Adult Michigan Superfan Sobs Uncontrollably in Stands After Stunning Loss to Michigan State
By Kyle Koster

As a Michigan State alum, Saturday’s improbable victory over Michigan was the highlight of my sporting life. But even I can recognize that no fan deserves to see their team lose in such a fashion. I spent much of Sunday worrying about the mental health of Ty Duffy, who actually appears to be handling things well.
That is to say: he’s reacted in a different manner than this guy.
Oh, you poor, poor man. Breaking down like this in public is bad enough. But to have your buddy tell you that it doesn’t matter in an attempt to get you to stop the waterworks? That’s just piling on.
Having the ability to openly weep over a loss without fear of internet infamy is yet another advantage to watching sports from the comfort of home as opposed to in person.