Antonio Freeman Can't Wear His Super Bowl Rings Because Brett Favre Broke All His Fingers
By Tully Corcoran

The legends about Brett Favre have long sounded like tall tales, Bunyanesque feats of strength, valor, and being like a big ol’ kid out there. And you think, well, a lot of this stuff is probably more myth than fact.
But then his teammates keep confirming these things.
First it was Ty Detmer, who confirmed to The Big Lead that Favre in 1992 really didn’t know what a nickel defense was. Now it is Antonio Freeman, a former Packers wide receiver who in a chat with ESPN’s Sportsnation, said he can’t wear his Super Bowl rings because Favre threw passes so hard he broke or dislocated most of Freeman’s fingers.
" Josh (0New York) Do you like showing off your Super Bowl ring? Antonio Freeman (12:57 PM) Actually, Favre fractured or dislocated 7 of my 10 fingers, so unfortunately the ring no longer fits."
Years ago, Robert Brooks told ESPN he had to get his wedding ring re-sized because Favre kept breaking his fingers. On purpose.
"Brett’s got a bullet for an arm, it’s tough. I’ve broken a lot of fingers messing with that guy. I had to get my wedding ring custom-fitted and I’m waiting for it to come back right now because Brett broke my ring finger about three times, the same finger. He takes pride in that. He chalks up how many fingers he gets during training camp."
Brett Favre. Every bit the crazy bumpkin you thought he was.
[H/T Reddit]