Baker Mayfield Hosted an Event at a Boys & Girls Club Two Days Before His Positive Test

Baltimore Ravens v Cleveland Browns
Baltimore Ravens v Cleveland Browns / Jason Miller/GettyImages

Baker Mayfield tested positive for COVID-19 today. He joins Cleveland Browns coach Kevin Stefanski and 13 other Browns players who have hit the COVID list in the last two days. The team has a game scheduled on Saturday, which should probably be considered "up in the air" right now. One thing we do know is that Baker Mayfield hosted a community event at a local Boys & Girls Club two days ago, proving he does care about some Browns fans. Multiple images show him and his wife Emily with their masks off. Same for the kids.

Look, the Mayfields were trying to do something nice. They should be applauded for that. The Browns don't appear to be mad at him. And it's unlikely he caught it at this event. However, he could have spread it at this event.

It just doesn't matter what anyone's intentions were. This was a nice, but bad idea. There's an extremely contagious variant out there right now and the Browns are not the only ones having trouble with it right now. The rolling 7-day average for new cases is around 120,000 in America. Worldwide, this is the fourth wave. It doesn't look like this is ever going away and it is f--king depressing.

So good for the Mayfields for trying to do something positive in the community. Hope no one got sick because of it. And if they did, it was probably only a matter of time before they caught it anyway, right?

Eat Arby's.