Ranking the Best MLB Jerseys
By Kyle Koster

The many geniuses who cover these types of things will always helpfully point out that baseball is a regional sport and every market is extremely myopic. Therefore, 30 different fanbases think they have claim to the best uniforms. In reality, it's only something an independent arbiter can decide. And if that independent arbiter happens to be a venerable sports blog, then there's the petri dish in which content can flourish.
Presenting, with no further adieu, Major League Baseball uniform rankings. Okay, actually slightly more adieu in form of an explainer. Even though there's been a proliferation of alternate looks, we're considering the main home whites for this exercise. Don't like it? Make your own list.
Best MLB Jerseys
30. Arizona Diamondbacks
Arizona has tried every single iteration under the sun and some of them are halfway decent. But their traditional whites, with the hyphenated D-Backs and aggressive lettering feel like something out of a video game that could not secure the appropriate rights. The sleeve detail appears to be pulled out of an anatomy textbook. They should absolutely get that checked out.
29. Washington Nationals
There will be a common theme emerging in this list and it's nothing intentional. Using red makes it significantly harder to make a sweet uniform. While the script Nationals is a vast improvement over the superhero font of yesteryear, the curly W does absolutely nothing for us.
28. Texas Rangers
It's a damn shame that the Rangers have been unable to make a Texas-sized impression with their gameday duds. Just seems wrong. Completely forgettable and the bland hat does them no favors.
27. Houston Astros
Make no mistake about it, the 'Stros have a nice hat. Their jerseys, however, are among the cheapest-looking in all of baseball. Which is a shame because the orange-dark blue contrast is really, really nice.
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26. Colorado Rockies
Purple is what sets the Rockies apart from every other baseball team and they smartly lean into it in their myriad alternate looks. Since this list is focusing on the most basic of home whites, though, it should be stated that they are sort of bland.
25. Cincinnati Reds
Our gross and unfair bias against the color red continues as the oldest franchise in baseball finds itself in the bottom sixth of contestants. Major props for implementing a number on the front of the jersey and for using the exact amount of red blocking on the left chest. Oh man, are the Reds actually underrated in the uniform department?
24. Los Angeles Angels
Okay, to this point it may seem like this is going to be an overly negative piece of content. So let's just pause and say that around this point is where every uniform gets to be pretty dang good. The Angels' halo hat is elite but tough to pull off. The detailing and front number are really enjoyable and when paired with red shoes, the look really works.
23. Cleveland Guardians
The hat is cool and it was obviously the right move to change the name. Yet it feels like a gigantic missed opportunity to actually change the look a little bit. Surely the front office polled some test audiences and emerged with this intentional nod to the past.
22. Miami Marlins
This one was a bit controversial internally. Some of our writers don't care for the look at all. Others really enjoyed it. Upon tabulating the votes, it ended up in the bottom third. Underrated? Maybe. Especially when one really studies the marlin on the sleeve, which is as good a detail that exists in baseball.
21. Tampa Bay Rays
It's frustrating to go out in public with a Rays hat and have people think it has something to do with Tom Brady. But those are the breaks. Tampa's home vibe is pulled together with a splash of color that pops and is appropriately subtle. Would they immediately look better if they weren't featured at Tropicana Field? Anything is possible.
20. Milwaukee Brewers
Milwaukee has sported some abominations. They've also nailed the uniform many times. The current iteration is a solid effort and anyone who believes they don't have one of the best logos in baseball shouldn't be trusted with any major decision.
19. Pittsburgh Pirates
Classic and clean, the Pirates benefit by having a bright yellow explode out of a midnight black. They may be the leader in the clubhouse when it comes to nameplates. Players who opt for high socks can look mean and lean.
18. Kansas City Royals
What a gorgeous shade of blue. Versatile and pure, these threads work during the day and in the evening. Special attention should be shown to the cursive chest work, among the top in the game.
17. Seattle Mariners
The best part about the Mariners' scheme — and it can be said for the Seahawks as well — is the mastery of the natural colors incorporated. It is appropriate homage to water of different hues and the compass adds so much.
16. New York Mets
One underappreciated element of the Metropolitans' look is that it incorporates the New York City flag derived off the Dutch Republic. A little history lesson for you there, folks. The interlocking NY is also superior to the Yankees' design.
Best Baseball Uniforms
15. Philadelphia Phillies
We all know that the Phillies dominate in the throwback department yet their traditional home uniforms are unique and equal parts fun and historic. It truly is magnificent what a pinstripes can do for pants.
14. Atlanta Braves
This one takes no prisoners. From a showpiece tomahawk featuring intense detail to great work across the chest in cursive, the Braves have a signature style. Two quibbles here keep them from the top-five or higher: the weird belt highlight and the two-toned hat.
13. Minnesota Twins
Minnesota's interlocking T and C for the Twin Cities rules. So too does the choice to use big, chunky lettering with red highlights. The trip color piping on the pants and sleeves is super-subtle yet it deserves to be appreciated. Also, this may be a conspiracy theory: the Twins' white just looks whiter than others.
12. Baltimore Orioles
A cartoon bird. Intense orange playing nicely with classic black-and-white. A badass badge with the Maryland state flag they love to put on everything, including barbecue. What's not to like? No wonder Elaine Benes couldn't help but wear team gear at Yankee Stadium.
11. Detroit Tigers
Scholars may look back at this ranking and wonder if we tried to be too impartial and therefore criminally underrated the Old English D. And that will be fine because it's important to leave a legacy. It's as simple as this: no uniform uses negative space as well. Everyone looks as cool as Tom Selleck when they put on a Tigers hat. Thankfully, the D is back to its original size after that disastrous super-sized experiment.
10. San Diego Padres
After wandering lost in the desert for far too long, the Padres returned to the classic brown and yellow with some futuristic font and pinstripes. An A-plus move that's dovetailed with their resurgence into relevance. Our favorite thing about San Diego is that they have a sartorial personality and aren't afraid to take chances. Though they can stand pat a bit after landing on this tremendous design.
9. San Francisco Giants
Timeless design augmented with the exact ratio of color to black, the Giants have always done a tremendous job. Their white is like a smoky fog that rolls in and coats the Golden Gate Bridge. No one in the history of the world has ever looked at that interlocking SF and not wanted to purchase a lid.
8. Chicago Cubs
The Cubs have perhaps the least intimidating design in baseball. But that makes sense as they were lovable losers for so long who eventually learned how to win. The circular Cubs logo feels like it comes out of a comic book and is fun. Something about the blue always looks so good during the Wrigley afternoons.
7. Chicago White Sox
From the simplicity of the black and white to the incredible S-O-X snaking its way at a diagonal, there's so much to like here. The South Siders look menacing and fresh and clean. Them clocking in at No. 7 may be a surprise to some. Let's hope it's a wake-up call to never sleep on these threads again.
6. Boston Red Sox
Alright, now we're getting down to the elite of the elite. The detail and design on the Red Sox' jerseys is spectacular and one could argue no one has cooler numbers. A classic B on the cap, traditional piping, all of it is great.
5. Los Angeles Dodgers
There is no better use of space on a uniform than the inches covered by the Dodgers' front-facing red numbers. It might be the best element in all of sports. Throw in a gorgeous script, iconic hat and the way the threads match the stadium and it's near perfection.
4. New York Yankees
What's really to say? They're awesome. But people have been talking about how great the pinstripes are forever. Not going to stand on the shoulders of greatness and think we're inventing something new. One small note: the Yankees look better — much better — with high socks.
3. Oakland A's
The white shoes are magnificent. Green and yellow scream quirkiness, which fits a franchise that's always done it their own weird way. You'll notice they too sport the jersey number on the front. Something most teams should consider adding. Oakland also has the best two-toned hat in the game.
2. St. Louis Cardinals
Any list like this always has St. Louis near the top and for good reason. The actual birds sitting on a bat is inspired and not at all tired. There's tradition in those threads and it really feels like any type of personal style plays well with the uniform.
1. Toronto Blue Jays
Perhaps a non-traditional choice, the Blue Jays are both fun and classy. The typeface on their lettering and jersey numbers is nuanced and delightful. Two bold birds pepper the front of the uniform and the piping is additive without being distracting. What an honor. For them.