Bill Simmons Now Owns Five Homes in the Los Angeles Area

Bill Simmons has purchased a new home. Simmons sold his website, The Ringer, and its ever-expanding podcast network to Spotify earlier this year for $250 million. When you sell something for a quarter of a billion dollars, it stands to reason that you splurge on a special treat for yourself. In Simmons case, this means buying a $16.1 million home.
Variety describes The Sports Guy's new digs as a "posh" Hancock Park neighborhood and says the house is located on "what is arguably the enclave’s most desirable street." This appears to be the house and it features... everything you can imagine a rich person's house would feature. And anything that he doesn't have at this house, well, there's always his other homes. Via Variety:
"Besides his new $16 million estate, property records reveal Simmons continues to maintain a fearsome stable of luxury homes. Back in late 2015, he punted out $7.5 million for an oceanfront cottage on Malibu’s exclusive Carbon Beach, where some of his neighbors include billionaires like Eli Broad, Larry Ellison and Jeffrey Katzenberg. He also continues to maintain his longtime Hancock Park residence, a $3.1 million 1920s Tudor that was acquired back in 2007. There’s also a condo in Westwood — walking distance to UCLA — and last December, the budding real estate tycoon splashed out $1.7 million for a Spanish-style home in L.A.’s Larchmont Village neighborhood."
If I'm reading that correctly, Simmons now has five LA-area homes which cost about $30 million combined. That means he owns so many houses he has to leave one off when he makes the Mount Rushmore of Bill Simmons' Houses. Yup, these are my mansions.