Bomani Jones Called Out Colin Cowherd Over His Infamous John Wall Comments

Bomani Jones called out Colin Cowherd on Highly Questionable this afternoon, and Pablo Torre (who was filling in for Dan Le Batard) made an absolutely classic face. Bomani was referencing comments Cowherd made years earlier, criticizing John Wall for doing the Dougie, implying he’d never “get it,” and questioning his leadership, saying:
"“Let me tell you something: I’m a big believer, when it comes to quarterbacks and point guards. Who’s your dad? Who’s your dad? Because I like confrontational players, I don’t like passive aggressive. Strong families equal strong leaders.”"
Wall’s father was imprisoned for much of the point guard’s youth, and died when he was eight years old.
Speaking about Wall and the emotional interview from last night, Cowherd said today that the Wizards guard has grown up. Via DC Sports Bog:
"“Do I think John Wall has grown up? Absolutely. Do I think he was immature when he broke into the league? Absolutely … The first couple of years he was a turnover machine and couldn’t shoot because he took lousy shots. Do I think he’s evolved? Yes. Do I think he’s matured? Absolutely. Do I think he’s got character? Yeah. You don’t play defense like that without deeply caring about teammates … John Wall plays real defense. He’s got real character.”"
In response to Cowherd’s remarks, Bomani wrote on Twitter: “oh, and i asked if colin would walk it back on wall. he did. just not on the most important parts.”
It’ll be interesting to see whether or not this crossed any real or imaginary lines of ESPN on ESPN crime.
[Video via Stephen Oman]
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