Cam Newton Got Into a Fight With Three People And His Hat Didn't Move an Inch
By Liam McKeone

Late on Sunday afternoon a video of Cam Newton getting into a fight went viral. According to ESPN the former Carolina Panthers quarterback was at a seven-on-seven tournament hosted by We Ball Sports and B.E.S.T Academy down in Atlanta. The video begins with Newton surrounded by three men and they start fighting. As the video went on and the group spilled over towards a fence it became clear the fight was more about hard pushing and shoving rather than legit punches thrown. Newton still ended up the last man standing as he shoved the other men away before security swooped in to break things up.
It was quite an eventful video. But the most impressive part about it was that Newton was wearing one of his patented ridiculous top hats (see above) and it didn't move a single inch throughout the fight.
Cam Newton fighting the TSP dudes ??? 👀👀👀
— Van (@vanman_1000) February 25, 2024
Remarkable stuff. I wonder how long it takes to get those fitted. Because it's gotta be tight to survive that experience. Nobody hit the hat itself but there were plenty of violent movements that could have and probably should have tilted the hat askew, if not knocked it off entirely. Newton got what he paid for, since I'd assume that hat costs as much as the average American's monthly paycheck.
The other thing that stands out about this video, of course, is the insane decision to start a fight with Cam freaking Newton. The man is one of the best athletes we've ever seen at the quarterback position and is six-foot-five. In his playing days he weighed nearly 250 pounds. A walking tank of a human being! Not to mention the reputation he earned for being able to take a hit after playing behind putrid offensive lines and never getting any late hit flags from officials for most of his NFL career. And these three gentlemen were like, "Yep. We want to fight that guy." Couldn't be me, I'll tell you that much.
Newton and his hat won this round.