Carrie Prejean Boller Says the Pandemic is Over, Threatens to Run For School Board

Remember Carrie Prejean? Now Carrie Prejean Boller, the 2009 Miss California, who became a right wing hero after she gave a anti-gay marriage answer to a question during the Miss USA pageant, turned up at a school board meeting today. Carrie and her husband Kyle Boller have a child at Encinitas in San Diego where she spoke.
Woman wearing a “MAMA” tshirt at the Encinitas school board meeting says her “cubs” will refuse to wear masks this week. “We’re done asking you for permission. The pandemic is over. We are declaring our freedom.”Then she says she and her friends are running for school board.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) August 30, 2021
Carrie Prejean Boller wore a shirt that said, "MAMA," and referred to herself as a "mama bear," as she told everyone the pandemic is over, while her her hype woman echoed her points from off-stage. By the time her two minutes were up, Prejean Boller had announced she would be running for school board and many of her friends would be joining her.
On Sunday evening Carrie and Kyle went out to dinner with Pastor Leann and Pastor Jurgen, who were in the news a year ago for holding services inside in violation of public health orders.
Her Instagram also shows she was an ardent supporter of Donald Trump, who she knows from her pageant days.
Boller and Prejean are both from California. Boller played at Cal and was picked by the Baltimore Ravens with the 19th pick in the 2003 NFL Draft. After a few disappointing seasons there he bounced around the league until he announced his retirement in 2012.