Cris Carter on Chandler Jones: "I think he was smoking some marijuana laced with PCP or Angel Dust"
By Kyle Koster

Chandler Jones showed up at a Foxboro Police station early Sunday morning acting erratically. It’s believed he had a bad reaction after smoking synthetic marijuana. Jones apologized “for a stupid mistake” but declined to get into details regarding the incident.
Cris Carter is skeptical that the full truth is being told. On Mike & Mike this morning, the Hall of Fame wide receiver said the synthetic marijuana story does not pass “the smell test.” He appears to think that the synthetic marijuana is the “fall guy” for something else.
“I think he was smoking marijuana and I think he was smoking some marijuana laced with PCP or Angel Dust,” Carter said. “And I think that’s what made him trip out.”
He questioned why Jones’ home smelled like marijuana when the synthetic variety has a different odor and suggested there was motivation to craft a less damaging narrative of what happened.
Carter admitted that he didn’t have all the facts but was basing his skepticism on what he sees going on both the streets and in football.
“Those are the things that are going on in the street,” he said. “Society has a problem and it’s also in the National Football League.”