Curt Schilling Fighting Back After Vile, Sexual Tweets About His Daughter
By Ty Duffy

Congrats to Gabby Schilling who will pitch for the Salve Regina Seahawks next year!!
— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) February 25, 2015
Curt Schilling innocently tweeted congratulations to his daughter, who is heading to Salve Regina University to play softball. Men on Twitter then bombarded him with vile, sexual comments about said daughter, still in high school.
Schilling has been fighting back. Per his blog he has saved every tweet and has been tracking down and contacting the individual users. He reported college athletes to their coaches. He named and shamed multiple individuals on his site and provided more of them for the public to hunt down.
There are two sides to this. Using Twitter is a trickier balance the greater your public reach. The troll with 13 followers has a pea shooter. The famous athlete and ESPN personality has napalm. One can irritate. The other can ruin someone’s life. Schilling, willfully outspoken and controversial, will attract more trolls than most. Proportion has to factor into responses.
That said, there’s a line. As Schilling notes, tweeting to a father about violating his high school daughter certainly crosses it. It’s hard, as a parent or a family member, not to sympathize with him.
Twitter use has expanded faster than our ability to comprehend its impact. It is not a free marketplace for ideas. Moving forward, it likely won’t be a place where anyone with a public presence shares anything intimate.
Related: Twitter: Sports Media’s Useful, Entertaining and Unhealthy Obsession
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