Curt Schilling on Lynching Journalists T-Shirt: "So Much Awesome"
By Kyle Koster

Aspiring politician Curt Schilling applauded the wardrobe of a man who attended a Donald Trump rally over the weekend in a shirt advocating the lynching of journalists.
thanks curt
— Bill Barnwell (@billbarnwell) November 8, 2016
Schilling was amazed a person could choose to be offended by a shirt that advocated the lynching of journalists and decried “safe space” culture.
amazing the things people pick and choose to be offended by. A smart ass shirt? 4 dead men in Benghazi. #safespacesforall
— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) November 8, 2016
Schilling deleted the “so much awesome” tweet but is still going on about the people who found his support of lynching journalists somewhat unsettling.