Dan Patrick Show Bids Farewell to Andrew 'McLovin' Perloff
By Kyle Koster

Andrew Perloff, better known as McLovin to fans of the Dan Patrick Show, is jumping to CBS Radio where he'll cohost a show with Maggie Gray in the 3 p.m.-6 p.m. time slot. News of the impending departure was a shock when it broke earlier this month with Dec. 23 circled as his last scheduled day in the Milford Man Cave. The date of departure finally came yesterday. Patrick reflected on the 12-year run yesterday, making it clear that while Perloff may have sat in the back row, he was at the front of content.
Dan reflects on @AndrewPerloff 12 years with the show and McLovin bids farewell to DP / The Danettes pic.twitter.com/48ole7OL2z
— Dan Patrick Show (@dpshow) December 23, 2021
Occasionally funny when he was trying to be and usually funny when he wasn't, Perloff was always an incredibly good sport. A Danette's Danette if such a thing exists. The thing that may have stood out most to viewers was his daily dedication. His lengthy commute, done in the wee hours of the morning, was harrowing any time someone stopped and did the math. And yet rare was the time he ever seemed less than thrilled to be on air, talking sports, coming up with poll questions, and going back-and-forth with Patrick.
Sustaining that type of chemistry for ever a decade amid the daily grind is impressive. It will be exciting to see what comes next for both Perloff and the DP Show.