Watching the Dancing Referee the Only True Way to Prepare For Football Season

Football season has arrived. College football has been back for two weekends and the NFL kicks off its season tomorrow night. What more could a football fan possibly need right now? Well, how about a referee dancing to Queen's "We Are the Champions" and the choreography is all the signals an official makes while calling a game?
Otat kaikki jenkkifutistuomarin käsimerkit. Luot koreografian. Esität loppuottelussa.
— Mika Laurila (@LaurilaMika) September 4, 2022
Kaiken tekee kahdesti MM-finaalissa viheltänyt, yksi Euroopan parhaista tuomareista ja myös kilpatanssissa + pöytätenniksessä verraton Veikko Lamminsalo.❤️
Jakakaa hyvää tuulta.#jefu #NFLfi
The referee is Veikko Lamminsalo, an American football referee from Finland. He appears to have been a competitive dancer at some point in his life and I think that more American officials should follow a similar path to the NFL because this is true entertainment.