Danny Amendola Goes On Long Instagram Rant About Olivia Culpo

Danny Amendola and Olivia Culpo just can’t quit each other. On Friday, Amendola went on a lengthy Instagram rant about the pair’s relationship and their fundamental differences. Some of it makes complete sense, but at other times the Detroit Lions wideout wanders into weird territory.
Here’s the post:
UPDATE: As you can see, Amendola took the post down. But fear not, dear reader, screenshots live on forever:
And in case you can’t read it, here’s the text of the post:
I believe there should be a boundary btw private life and social media. Olivia believes in fishbowl lifestyle. This fundamental difference was huge in our relationship. If you’re my real friend you know I’m private. My mother, brother, father and nephew are closest to me in this world and you don’t see one picture of them and that’s for their protection from those who criticize and judge. I believe in nailing pictures frames on the inside of my house to remind the ones I love that I care. Olivia chooses and wants to be noticed on the internet and in Hollywood to make money. Which was hard for me to understand but quickly had to learn. Where as the cost of fame in this world doesn’t appeal to me. I play ball for one reason and that’s RESPECT. The only reason I’m writing this post is because, whether I liked it or not, we lived in the public eye. Some of it is amazing! I’ve met some of the nicest people from all over the world and Olivia and I had some amazing times together.. jus like any other loving relationship we fought. A lot of the time it was my fault bc let’s be honest I can be an idiot. But! Yup! She’s fucked up too! and if you cross me I’m a hard mfer to deal with. The universe brought her and I together to enjoy life, love, and learn. We celebrated that as often as we could. And the sex was fucking crazy too. She gets so mad at me for not posting her on social media, but I think this shit is sometimes fake, sometimes toxic, but sometimes beautiful. And I felt like she had enough pictures online anyway. Truth is I have a whole cellphone of funny, embarrassing, sexy pics IG would love to have. However living a public image isn’t my choice, it’s something Ive learned to deal with. Reading all these wild stories about her and I, and seeing Olivia with other men, I just wanted to personally clear the air out here. We’ve been on and off for a long time and not together as of late! Not sure what’s in the future but the only thing I care about is her HAPPINESS. And if that’s dancing with scrony little fucks, so be it. I’m happy too. With that said! Liv! My beautiful ex-Gf! Providence’s finest and Bakers Bay Pancakes . Carry on IG. @oliviaculpo
Well that’s certainly a lot to digest. Maybe Danny should just put the phone down for a bit?
In there, Amendola basically drags Culpo for showing her personal life on Instagram, which is the very thing that got her famous. He knew that when he got together with her. It’s not like she didn’t document every aspect of her life on social media before they started dating. He knew full well that she was a model and that these days models have to do that. It’s her job. It would be like her ripping him for being busy on Sundays.
A personal favorite section of this odd, unhinged, rant:
“Not sure what’s in the future but the only thing I care about is her HAPPINESS. And if that’s dancing with scrony (sp) little fucks, so be it. I’m happy too.”
Yeah Danny, you sound real happy about it buddy.
And finally, the coup de grâce:
The universe brought her and I together to enjoy life, love, and learn. We celebrated that as often as we could. And the sex was fucking crazy too.
You just had to add that last part didn’t you? I think you’ve had enough big guy, let’s just sit this one out for a bit, shall we?
I mean look, we all know why he’s upset. He was dating Olivia freaking Culpo and now he’s not. She’s beautiful. Look:
But bro, keep your public meltdown to yourself.