Roundup: RIP Dawn Wells; Johnny Manziel Returning to Football

Johnny Manziel back?
Johnny Manziel back? / Wesley Hitt/AAF/Getty Images

Dawn Wells, who played Mary Ann on Gilligan's Island, died of COVID-19 on Wednesday ... widowed penguins hug in an award winning photograph ... Dr. Drew tested positive for coronavirus ... squirrels are now attacking people in Queens ... serial killer Samuel Little died yesterday ... David Guetta wants everyone to get the vaccine so that everyone can have a big, mad party in 2021 ... maybe Americans shouldn't get their hopes up about 2021 ... the principal Lean On Me was based on died .... the Nashville bomber's girlfriend warned police about him in 2019 ... Ken Jennings apologizes for past tweets ... these are the republicans who don't want to give you $2,000 ... Josh Hawley was called a loser by Walmart ... very rich person Kelly Loeffler went begging for money on Parler and it did not go well ... Sorry there wasn't a lot of good news this year, we'll dig deeper starting tomorrow, I'm sure of it!

Becky Hammon became the first woman to serve as acting head coach in an NBA game when Gregg Popovich got ejected last night. Some team needs to giver her the big job soon. [Coloradoan]

Johnny Manziel will return to football in a new 7-on-7 fan controlled league. [ESPN]

Clemson offensive coordinator Tony Elliott has tested positive and will not be at the CFB Playoff semi-final. [ESPN]

Dan Le Batard admitted he was not Hispanic. [The Big Lead]

Then Doug, the guy who Le Betard paid to play his father, admitted he was also a fake and implicated many other prominent sports media personalities in the process. We will follow this story through the new year. [The Big Lead]

Fake quarterback challenge: can you spot the guys who have been on a roster over the last five years? [TBL]

Anyone reading The Roundup in Georgia? Hi. Found this guy on FOX News yesterday. Made some compelling points.

Toys "R" Us had a huge store in Times Square.

Everything good on TikTok ends up back on other social media.

This must drive coaches absolutely crazy, but on the other hand he's in the NBA now so it must work.

I'm sorry, his what went what?