Derrick Rose's Rape Accuser Gave an Interview

Derrick Rose’s gang rape accuser gave an interview to Think Progress. Jane Doe spoke openly about the background of her non-exclusive relationship with Rose and briefly about the night in question and the aftermath.
It was reported earlier this week Doe hopes to use Rose’s SAT scandal as evidence. Rose’s basic comprehension will likely play a big role in the case. Here are Doe’s lawyers discussing his understanding of consent. Via Think Progress:
"Katherine Redmond Brown: I’m actually interested in what they think consent is. I’d love to ask them, what is consent? I don’t think they could answer that. Brandon Anand: I can say actually that Derrick definitely could not, because we asked him that question in his deposition, and his response was, ‘No, can you tell me?’ Katherine Redmond Brown: It’s why Derrick could honestly, if you made him pass a lie detector test, he could pass it. Because he doesn’t see what he did as wrong. That is simply how his culture functions. "
Rose’s lawyers maintain the case is a money grab. You can also read a lengthy primer on the upcoming trial on The White Bronco. The trial will begin on October 4th, the same day as the Knicks preseason opener in Houston.