Did Darren Sharper Have 24-Hour Xbox Access While in Jail?
By Kyle Koster

Darren Sharper will be behind bars for at least nine years per the terms of his latest plea agreement. The former New Orleans Saints safety has pleaded guilty or no contest to rape charges in four states. Conditions of his accommodations while he awaits an ultimate sentence have arisen in a New Orleans Advocate article.
The piece focuses on Josh Hanson, who is serving a seven-year sentence for molestation of a juvenile and carnal knowledge of a juvenile. Hanson’s parents are both members of the St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s Office. Some of Hanson’s victims have questioned if his family has pulled strings to get him preferential treatment.
Included in the story is this tidbit:
"For a time, Hanson was in a tier with former Saints player and sex offender Darren Sharper, where sources familiar with the jail say the two had access to an Xbox gaming system 24 hours a day. Hanson has since been moved into another tier. Though the tier was built to hold 10 prisoners, he is the sole occupant. Strain has refused to answer questions about whether Hanson or Sharper has received favorable treatment or about specific jail policies. Instead, he issued a statement saying that the jail has been recognized at the state and federal levels for outstanding operations and practices and is a model in the field of corrections."
"“Darren Sharper and Joshua Hanson have been incarcerated in accordance with all federal Bureau of Prisons guidelines, Louisiana Department of Corrections guidelines and internal Sheriff’s Office policies,” Strain said."
At first blush, the notion of inmates playing video games while in jail or prison is bound to offend. But access to gaming systems is fairly common in England and has been present in American jails since at least 2006. The thought process is that offering incentives and peaceful outlets will result in better behavior.