Donald Trump Says He'd Rather Be Electrocuted Than Eaten By a Shark


Usually when Donald Trump is at a podium something crazy happens. It's the default setting for that visual. But, weirdly, on Sunday, the former president came to an incredibly sensible conclusion, though the route to get there sure was something.

During a speech in Ottumwa, Iowa, Trump claimed he would rather be electrocuted than eaten by a shark. I'm glad he announced that, because the country had been on the edge of its collective seat for years waiting for his verdict on this incredibly important dilemma.

Watch below:

I mean, yeah, I don't think that's much of a choice. When Trump said, "Do we all agree?" I actually audibly uttered, "Well duh." Then I realized I was alone in my apartment.

Trump was discussing something about electric vehicles and their batteries and somehow this is where his brain went. Because of course it is. Why would we expect anything less?
