Dr. Anthony Fauci: It's 'Very Hard' to See How Football Will Be Played This Fall

Lambeau Field
Lambeau Field / Dylan Buell/Getty Images

The NFL has a lot of work to do between now and the planned September kickoff. As it stands, they have no planned alterations to the schedule and have embarked on the beginning stages of laying out COVID-19 guidelines to do what they can to prevent the spread of the virus within the locker room. But for full-on games to be played, much more will need to be done.

If it seems like a nearly-impossible task to ensure the safety of 32 rosters consisting of over 50 players plus the coaching staff, trainers, and other team personnel for the entirety of the season, that's because it is. Dr. Anthony Fauci has been telling us as much for a while, and went on CNN today to express his doubts that an NFL season will be played this fall.

The NFL doesn't really have the option of a massive bubble environment like the NBA because of the size of the rosters and lack of available space to put on such an endeavor. Fauci and other medical professionals have been regularly warning us of increased cases that will come in the fall, making everything all the more difficult to project. With the resources at its disposal and the advantage of closely watching how the NBA and NHL's experiments in July and August work, the NFL can go very outside-the-box to make sure the season starts and ends as planned.

Everyone wants football on this fall for entertainment or economic reasons. But right now, in June, it's hard to see it happening with a 100 percent success rate, and it will have to be very close to that to put on a full season.