Earl Thomas Held at Gunpoint By Wife After She Caught Him Cheating

Earl Thomas was reportedly held at gunpoint by his wife after she caught him cheating with another woman. TMZ is reporting on the incident that occurred on April 13.
The incident was found in a court filing that details the incident involving the Baltimore Ravens safety, his wife Nina and several other people. The Austin Police Department responded to to a home in Austin, Texas at 3:41 a.m. after receiving a disturbance call.
Thomas' wife claims he had left the couple's home earlier in the day after fighting with her husband over his drinking. His brother Seth picked him up. TMZ details what happened next:
"But, a short time later, she decided to check on his whereabouts by logging into his Snapchat account -- and that's when she says she found video of Earl with another woman. Nina says she used Earl's Snapchat account to track his location to a nearby Airbnb rental home ... and says she called up two other women to help her confront Earl at the pad. Nina also claims she grabbed Earl's pistol, a 9mm Berreta, in the process with the intention to "scare him." When the women arrived at the house, they "discovered Earl and Seth naked in bed with other women." That's when Nina admits she pulled out the gun and put it to Earl's head -- stating "that she took out the magazine thinking that the gun could not fire." But, cops say Nina was "unaware that the gun had a round in the chamber.""
Thomas was able to eventually wrestle the gun away. Police say there is a cellphone video of the incident that also shows Thomas' wife hitting him.
In the end, police arrested Nina and two people with her. She was booked for, "burglary of a residence with intent to commit aggravated assault with a deadly weapon -- family violence" and Earl was awarded an emergency protective order. Nina must stay 200 feet away from Thomas and his mistress.
The couple has been married since April of 2016.
Earl made a statement on social media just before the story broke: