Fake Stephen Curry Trick Shot Video is Fake


On Sunday a video hit Twitter that showed Stephen Curry making five consecutive full-court shots. The premise being that Curry had just finished a photoshoot with Sports Illustrated and they just so happened to capture him doing the impossible five straight times. Within two hours the Warriors had confirmed to Janie McCauley of the Associated Press that the video was a fake.

The question is... why? To promote the 68-year-old sports media brand with 1.8 million followers on Twitter? To create some buzz for Stephen Curry? We get to see him make amazing shots all the time. It's a true cui bono situatino. There doesn't even appear to be a brand associated with this. At least when David Beckham did this he was trying to sell diet soda.

Let's just hope this doesn't erode the public's trust in Stephen Curry. Remember that Beckham never scored another goal outside MLS after releasing his viral video. Hope it was worth it.