Fight Breaks Out on Colorado Golf Course
By Michael Shamburger

Sometimes things can get heated during golf games. Players talk trash to each other routinely on muni courses during weekly rounds. Players also get pretty upset when groups behind them hit into them because no one wants to get hit with a golf ball while hacking it around a course. Generally these types of things are settled with an apology, but apparently these two guys playing at Fossil Trace Golf Club in Colorado were so upset with each other they went straight to fisticuffs on the 18th hole.
Instagram user jabrams77 uploaded the video with the caption:
"Went out to my favorite course with Kevin on my last day in CO and witnessed some absolutely ridiculous #fightclub on the 18th hole after someone hit right into the group on the green. Who says white ppl don’t brawl? #golffight #denver #neverlayup #whitemalematurity #fossiltracegolfclub"
The handshake at the end is just icing on the cake.
If you’re thinking you may have seen something like this before, watch the clip below. Some NSFW language in the video.
[HT Alex Myers]