Game of Thrones Recap: "Blackwater"

Tywin Lannister – Boss. That’s all. Am I wrong to hope that he is, like, REALLY proud of Tyrion? If he hugs Tyrion and Tyrion cries I will cry.
Tyrion Lannister – Every time you think you’ve seen it all, Peter Dinklage goes and does something like this…
What can’t Tyrion do? Add “brief, but inspiring battle speech” to his list of accomplishments. “Those are brave men at our door. Let’s go kill them!”
Cersei Lannister – Terrifying, weak, loving, scared,drunk – we saw the gamut of emotions from the Queen last night. And we were so close to being rid of her – or at least to her poisoning her son.
The Hound – Well then. The Hound did Hound stuff until the fire got so close. Before he left, he dropped the ultimate line – “Any man dies without blood on his sword, I’ll rape his corpse.” Now maybe we get a new duo on the road together – Sansa and The Hound. GoT comes up with some pretty insane buddy comedies.
Sansa – Took a mental beating from the Queen for the thousandth straight episode. This one was much more straightforward than previous ones. Sansa almost seemed to push through in the end.
Shea – If she and Cersei were locked in that room together any longer, only one was going to walk out.
Drums – Has to be mentioned how the war drums – an answer to the King’s Landing bells – amped up the tension. I was ready to start throwing beer bottles at that point. So well done.
Bronn – He stood up to The Hound and personally undressed the only naked body we saw on this episode. Then he invited The Hound to have another drink with him. That is tremendous range for a single scene.
Here is The National’s version of The Rains of Castamere. Remember these words today. Happy Memorial Day.
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