Golden State Warriors Resort to Whining About Rude Boston Crowd

2022 NBA Finals - Game Three
2022 NBA Finals - Game Three / Maddie Meyer/GettyImages

The Boston Celtics won Game 3 of the NBA Finals to take a 2-1 lead over the Golden State Warriors on Wednesday night. While Stephen Curry scored 31, Draymond Green was the center of attention for Golden State. Green was bad during the game and had a few classic Draymond Green incidents before he fouled out, giving the Boston fans plenty of reasons to repeatedly chant, "f--k you Draymond."

This apparently greatly offended some of the Warriors. After the game Steve Kerr called the fans "classy," which is a dismissive thing you say about someone who does something you don't like.

Klay Thompson echoed Kerr's "classy," and threw in a what about the children!?

As NBC Sports Boston so helpfully pointed out, Draymond Green cursed in front of his son on the podium after the game, first when describing how he played and then again when complaining about a reporter asking about his podcast.

You also may recall that about a month ago Green got kicked out of a game against the Grizzlies and gave the crowd - which presumably included children - two middle fingers. If you'd like to go back a little further, Warriors minority owner Mark Stevens was kicked out of a 2019 Finals game for shoving and swearing at Kyle Lowry.

As if coaches and players whining about dirty language wasn't enough, Draymond Green's wife took to Instagram to act shocked at the treatment that her husband was getting from the Boston crowd.

Where have we heard a complaint from a Warriors' player's wife during the Finals before? How about during the 2016 Finals when Ayesha Curry took to Twitter to complain that a game was "rigged for money... or ratings." Hindsight is 20/20, but the Warriors were in the midst of winning three out of four titles. Even at the time people rolled their eyes since Steph was one of the biggest stars in the NBA and the Warriors were the defending champions.

The point is, the Warriors are just whining because they lost. Draymond Green and the Warriors love a hostile crowd when they're winning like back in Memphis. Most guys relish shutting the crowd up, like Joel Embiid did in Toronto during the first round when the crowd was chanting "F--k Embiid."

This is not a Boston thing. This is not even an American thing. This is a sports fan thing where they take things too far. Sometimes much further than they have any reason to go. But sometimes it's just fans chanting at a player they really don't like. Compared to some interactions players have with fans, chanting "F [player's name]" is pretty mild. And if you're complaining about it then more often than not you didn't win the game.