Gus Malzahn Dancing: Embarassing and Awesome Video Emerges of Auburn Coach in the 90's

Gus Malzahn was a high school football coach a decade ago. Sometime, during that period in his life, Malzahn took part in this video which looks like something from a 1980’s Saturday morning cartoon block that aired between ads for GI JOE and My Little Pony.
The video comes from the 2001 Springdale High School (Arkansas) Highlights DVD. The video was made in the 90’s and used as some sort of strange motivational tool. Via From a 2009 article on
"Malzahn, who drinks a pot of coffee daily to get himself through the day, says he has “no personality.” So it was shocking to Shiloh Christian seniors when every year before the playoffs they watched a video of their coach dancing to MC Hammer’s “U Can’t Touch This” on a family vacation."
I really hope the guy with the mustache banging away at the Casio keyboard is still one of Gus’ coordinators. [/r/CFB]
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