Gym Closed in Skip Bayless' Gated Community
By Kyle Koster

Skip Bayless, who follows zero people on Twitter, combined several of his passions into one tweet on Christmas Day. Weightlifting. Bragging. Building a take around LeBron James.
Here it is.
I'm lifting weights while watching LeBron-Luka. They finally closed the gym in my gated community. LA is now the world Covid epicenter. Got a new home gym for Christmas. Cardio every day. Lift every Mon/Wed/Fri, even on Christmas. Love it. #NeverMiss
— Skip Bayless (@RealSkipBayless) December 26, 2020
Can you imagine how jacked the 69-year-old is going to be in a few months now that he won't have to waste time walking down to the clubhouse at his gated community and can use that time for extra sets of tricep pulldowns and calf raises? Dude's going to look NICER than anyone's every looked at that age.
Bayless' steadfast and decades-long commitment to his body is impressive and endearing. I'm not even jealous. More impressed, actually, considering that I piled on a few pieces of kielbasa on a vegetable pizza with cream cheese and washed it down with three peanut butter porters yesterday.
And I'm too lazy to move a few boxes and find an extension cord for the ancient treadmill in the corner of my parents' basement this morning.
Would that we could all be so physically fit and financially stable in the new year. Skip Bayless, an aspirational model. And actual model.