Harkening Back to When Scott Van Pelt Had a Majestic Head of Hair

Scott Van Pelt sat down with David Feherty on Golf Channel -- where SVP worked for about five years before joining ESPN -- for a show that aired tonight. He later went on Twitter to share this still image that must be seen to be believed:
Thanks to @Fehertwit for having me on his show and taking us back to this flow. ‘Sup? #VestGame #TopButton #VeryPoorCredit pic.twitter.com/gb8vHE656t
— Scott Van Pelt (@notthefakeSVP) March 3, 2020
There were some other shots of SVP with hair shared in an earlier teaser snippet of the interview, but nothing quite this majestic. This is the look of someone not terribly far removed from winning prom king.
On a perusal of the YouTube clips Golf Channel has shared, I did not see the one that included this image that SVP shared on Twitter. However, one of the clips that is on there is a poignant segment about how he always takes a reminder of his late father with him: