I Don't Know When or Where This JR Smith GIF is From, But I Absolutely Love it
By Jason McIntyre

The Knicks lost at home to surging Toronto – four wins in a row! – Wednesday, but it was not JR Smith’s fault. My favorite gunner in the NBA made five 3-poiners and led the Knicks with 26 points. (Carmelo shot 5-of-24.)
A Knicks fan sent me this GIF of Smith leading the Knicks onto the floor recently (?) and even though there’s no date on it, it clearly is from this season, as you can see Rasheed Wallace in the white headband.
There’s so much going on here – Steve Novak bouncing, Raymond Felton tugging at his collar – but I can’t take my eyes off Smith. What song is playing? Is there a name to Smith’s strut? So. Many. Questions.
Gosh, this is wonderful. If you know when or where this is from, kindly pass it along. Thanks.