"INC5760131" Reply-All Apocalypse Grips ESPN
By Kyle Koster

ESPN employees are self-reporting that they are in the midst of a company-wide reply-all email situation this morning. This is one of the worst things that can happen in 2018 and we take no pleasure in realizing the sheer deluge of nonsense terrorizing inboxes everywhere.
Hang in there, ESPNers. And feel free to share the important subject matter brought to literally everyone’s attention. Bet it was worth it.
Good old reply all.....
— Ashok Moore (@AshokMoore) April 11, 2018
This is going to continue all day, isn't it?
— Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) April 11, 2018
We are entering the email zone at ESPN today ... the moment where someone accidentally sends an email to the entire company and the "please take me off this chain" emails follow endlessly. Eight minutes in, no signs of stopping.
— Wayne Drehs (@espnWD) April 11, 2018
On a reply-all chain and everyone’s going crazy pic.twitter.com/YjQHbfJxCr
— James Tyler (@JamesTylerESPN) April 11, 2018
I’ve never been more entertained by a reply all email chain
— Tom VanHaaren (@TomVH) April 11, 2018
?????? https://t.co/faNybZwuxX
— Sarah Spain (@SarahSpain) April 11, 2018
UPDATE: An hour in, saner minds may have prevailed.
RE: Regarding INC5760131 reply all apocalypse at ESPN has seemed to come to an end. 130+ emails in close to a hour. It’s been a ride. pic.twitter.com/QJVKnNxxWn
— Jon Scott (@JonScott44) April 11, 2018
More on this as it develops.