Do You Think Kirk Ferentz Has Ever Seen a Movie?

The Big Ten Network asked every football coach what their favorite holiday movie was. For the most part, the answers were very standard. Jim Harbaugh and Purdue's Jeff Brohm both went with It's a Wonderful Life. Four coaches went with A Christmas Story, with James Franklin calling it THE Christmas Story, which would have made more sense coming from Ryan Day, but whatever. Day, along with three other coaches went with National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and then things get a little spicy.
If you're not watching holiday movies this week, wyd? ?
— Big Ten Network (@BigTenNetwork) December 23, 2021
We asked our @B1Gfootball coaches to share their ???????? ????????? ??????. ?
Which coach shares your personal favorite? ?
Scott Frost said Vacation, but also Love Actually, which is about as wild of an answer as you could possibly get from a football coach. It's a British romcom. Do you think he organizes team movie night to show his players?
Only one of these men has defeated Wisconsin.
— Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker® (@RexDangerSeeker) December 27, 2021
Tom Allen of Indiana was the only coach to pick Home Alone, which is a solid choice. Maryland's Mike Locksley described the old Rankin / Bass stop motion holiday specials.
But that is all prelude to the answer of Iowa's long, longtime head coach, Kirk Ferentz. It seems Coach Ferentz has been too busy coaching to have ever actually seen a Christmas movie. Or any movie at all maybe. When asked to name is favorite holiday movie he says, "That's a good question." Then he laughs and says, "You've got me on that one." Just name a movie. Any movie. And he reacted like he'd been asked an obscure trivia question. It's almost like he's never seen *ah* movie, let alone enough movies to necessitate a DVD rack.
Perhaps there was a time when Ferentz watched a Christmas movie. It might have been one glorious winter back in 2012 when Iowa last had their season end around Thanksgiving. Without a bowl game to prepare for, he must have watched at least one Christmas movie. He has a wife and five children. Somebody in that house forced him to at least start a Christmas movie and we must know what it was. Hopefully, it was Love Actually so he and Scott Frost will have something to talk about next season besides this year's game.