J.R. Smith Hit By a Sniper In San Antonio

The New York Knicks’ injury woes continue as J.R. Smith was shot by an invisible sniper during the Knicks win over the Spurs on Thursday night in San Antonio. Smith was guarding Manu Ginobili when a Ginobili elbow came close to his face, not hitting him at all, but knocking him to the floor. Smith stayed down, holding his face until the Knicks called a timeout. Smith then got up and glared at Ginobili before heading to the bench where he continued to rub his freshly hurt jaw. The most beautiful part was when Walt Frazier and Mike Breen going on about the elbow as they watched the replays. [@corkgaines]
Poor J.R. was also taken out earlier in the game. The Spurs should really step up their security.
Previously: Sounds like Tyson Chandler is Taking a Shot at Carmelo Anthony & JR Smith Here
Previously: Kevin Martin and Derek Fisher Preformed a Rare Synchronized Flop Off Omar Asik [Video]