Jay-Z Gave Robinson Cano a $33,900 Watch, MLBPA Investigating for Possible Violation
By Tim Ryan

Robinson Cano recently held his 31st birthday bash in Belgium. When you have the means to celebrate such an occasion in Belgium, people like Jay-Z show up and gift you with a $33,900 watch to go along with that coveted $50 iTunes card.
Now, naturally, the MLB Players Association is investigating into whether Jay Z violated the union’s agent regulations by giving Cano the watch. This has to be the first time someone from an athlete’s agency of record has given said athlete a pricey birthday present. So why is this a possible violation?
"Section 5(B)(5)(a) of the Players Association regulations states: “No Player Agent or Applicant shall provide, cause to be provided or promise to provide, any money or any other thing of value to any player, or any person related to or associated with such player, the purpose of which is to induce or encourage such player to use or continue to use any person’s or firm’s services as a Player Agent, Representative, or Draft Advisor.”"
Ah, yes, Section 5(B)5(a). In addition to that captivating snippet, any gift exceeding $500 must be disclosed to the union in writing. I’m sure Jay-Z is busy penning that screed as we speak.
The watch itself is a Hublot, one of 100 made, and it’s a beaut. It appears Cano got No. 2. It also appears Cano refuses to moisturize. And it also appears that Cano has no idea his $33,900 watch is upside down.
Meanwhile, he is still reportedly seeking a 10-year, $310 million contract. Hilarious.
[via ESPN, Cano’s Instagram]
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