JB Smoove Says Larry David Gauged His Interest in New Season of Curb Your Enthusiasm

JB Smoove was a guest on Rich Eisen’s radio show earlier this week. Eisen asked if the comedian had heard any new developments on whether there would be a new season of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Smoove answered that he had a phone conversation with Larry David (who he calls every few weeks to check on because he’s “old”) about a month ago, where LD, unprompted, brought up Curb and said, “Ehhhh, I’m thinking about coming back.”
Smoove said this was a major development because Larry “did not say no,” which means “there’s a possibility he may say yes.” Further, LD inquired into Smoove’s availability, which was an overwhelming yes provided he was given enough notice.
Season 8 aired in 2011; Season 9 would be a welcome development in my life. Fingers and toes crossed….