Jesus Super Bowl Commercial Results in Lots of Foot Fetish Tweets

The biggest audience of the year tuned in to watch Super Bowl LVIII on CBS. We don't know exactly how many people tuned in to see Taylor Swift, the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers just yet, but we do know a lot of them were excited to watch some commercials that weren't released on YouTube during the days leading up to the game. It's unclear how many of those people were excited to see a minute-long commercial about how Jesus washed people's feet. Though it certainly made an impression.
finally,,, a foot fetish Super Bowl ad
— Kat Abu (@abughazalehkat) February 11, 2024
When you see the Jesus washed feet commercial
— Bunkie Perkins (@BunkiePerkins) February 11, 2024
They made a Jesus commercial for foot fetishers????? lmaooooo
— Tyler Conway (@jtylerconway) February 11, 2024
Man, Jesus had a foot fetish.
— Jason Selvig (@jasonselvig) February 11, 2024
Spending millions of dollars to tell people that Jesus had a foot fetish
— Subscribe to the You Know Ball Patreon (@TrillBroDude) February 11, 2024
So did Jesus… have a foot fetish?
— Vince Mancini (@VinceMancini) February 11, 2024
That probably wasn't the intended message behind the commercial, but people are talking about it and that's really the main goal of any ad campaign.
This is the second year in a row that He Gets Us, which is bankrolled by the Hobby Lobby family, has come up with the huge pile of cash required to get a prime ad on Super Bowl Sunday. Last year the different tone of the ad was just as jarring, but probably didn't leave quite as lasting an impression.