Jim Nantz Tears Up in Court During Divorce Trial, Reveals He Has a 29-year-old Girlfriend
By Jason McIntyre

"“In 2004, I got the Man of the Year award from the New York Athletic Club. Rudy Giuliani had been the previous year’s winner and it really meant a lot to me,” he said, his eyes welling with tears. “My mother flew in from Houston, but Lorrie wasn’t there.” Nantz said he was given an oil portrait of himself at the dinner, but Lorrie wouldn’t let him hang it in their Westport home. “It ended up in a warehouse,” he lamented."
The Nantz’s have a full-time nanny/housekeeper for their 15-year-old daughter. Lorrie Nance is seeking alimony in excess of $1.5 million a year, in addition to their 6-bedroom, 6-bathroom house in Westport, Connecticut.
Play-by-play gets tearful in sportscaster’s divorce trial (Connecticut Post)