Joba Chamberlain to Mariano Rivera: "Don't Ever Shush Me Again"
By Jason Lisk

Joba Chamberlain has a few rules in life, and one of them is you don’t shush Joba Chamberlain. According to the New York Daily News, Chamberlain told Mariano Rivera “[d]on’t ever shush me again” after the Yankees institution and long-time closer tried to tell a boisterous Chamberlain to be quiet while he was doing interviews in the dugout.
According to the story, Rivera was in the dugout talking with reporters about meeting with families, including one who lost a 10 year old son at an airport accident, another with a 14 year old with cancer. Chamberlain was at the top of the stairs of the dugout, signing autographs and yelling into the crowd to family members. Chamberlain is from Lincoln, Nebraska, about a three hour drive from Kansas City. When Rivera asked him to be quiet while he was conducting the interview, Chamberlain went off on the future Hall of Famer.
Joba has never really endeared himself to the New York fans, somewhere in the Alex Rodriguez range of popularity among Yankees fans. Rivera is just about at sainthood status. I doubt this one is going to go over really well in the Big Apple.
[photo via USA Today Sports Images]