John Oliver Chugged a Bottle of Bud Light Lime to Celebrate Sepp Blatter's Resignation
By Jason Lisk

John Oliver said he would drink one of Budweiser’s disgusting products, including Bud Light Lime, if they would put pressure on Sepp Blatter and get him to resign.
As Oliver said just one week later, “I didn’t think this would happen.”
Nevertheless, he came through, wearing winged golden Adidas shoes, eating various McDonald’s items, then moving on to a Bud Light Lime. He chugged it down, which is not easy. And yes, I speak from personal experience. For my birthday last year, I made the mistake of not specifying what beer to buy. My wife thought I might like to try Bud Light Lime. It was ultimately used at the tailgate party for beer pong. Let me just say that as disgusting as it is–and descriptions like the Jolly Green Giant’s ejaculate are probably fair–drinking it after sitting out in a cup in the sun is almost unbearable.
Oliver chugging the Bud Light Lime for 13 seconds straight may be his greatest accomplishment to date.