Johnny Manziel: Texas Statute Could Be One Reason Autograph Sellers Won't Cooperate With NCAA
By Ty Duffy

Shady collegiate autograph barons were willing to rat out Johnny Manziel to media outlets. They have, thus far, been unwilling to cooperate with the NCAA. This Texas statute tweeted by Bruce Feldman may explain why. If Johnny Manziel has committed an NCAA violation that results in discipline of him or Texas A&M, the school can sue those involved with the violation for damages.
"Section 131.004 of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code states “a person who violates a rule of a national collegiate athletic association adopted by this chapter is liable for damages in an action brought by an institution if (1) the person knew or reasonably should have know that a rule was violated; and (2) the violation of the rule is a contributing factor to disciplinary action taken by the national collegiate athletic association against the institution or a student at the institution.” This would give Texas A&M University the authority to file suit against the autograph hounds if it or Manziel receives punishment from the NCAA. Accordingly, pursuant to Sections 131.006 and 131.007 of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, Texas A&M University’s damages may include “lost television revenues and lost ticket sales of regular season and post-season athletic events” and “reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.” Certainly, if Manziel is not on the field for the Aggies, there could be substantial losses in revenue."
How much Johnny Football is worth to Texas A&M may be in dispute. But, we can presume that plus lawyers fees is more than one makes hawking signed Manziel photos on eBay.
Still waiting for that elusive money trail…
Related: Johnny Manziel: Texas Monthly Superman Cover Will Turn Heads
Related: Johnny Manziel: “Johnny Football” Trademark Hurt Autograph Sellers’ eBay Business
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