Just 30% of Criminally Accused Florida State Athletes Face Prosecution Per June ESPN Report

In June, Outside the Lines looked into the prosecution numbers of the basketball and football programs at Auburn, Florida, Florida State, Michigan State, Missouri, Notre Dame, Oklahoma State, Oregon State, Texas A&M and Wisconsin from 2009-2014. FSU and Florida had the most criminal allegations, but FSU has caught up over the last few days. Here’s what OTL had to say about FSU. Via ESPN:
"In the Outside the Lines report, Florida State had the second-highest number of football and men’s basketball players named in criminal allegations from 2009 to 2014: 66 overall or 18 percent of the rosters. Further, in 70 percent of those incidents, the athletes never faced charges, had charges against them dropped or were not prosecuted. By comparison, cases ended up without being prosecuted 50 percent of the time among a sample of crimes involving college-age males in Tallahassee."
A warrant was issued for the arrest of leading rusher Dalvin Cook on Friday. De’Andre Johnson was arrested for a similar incident the night before. No we wait to see how these incident affect the stats.