Lane Kiffin Is Loving the Nick Saban-Jimbo Fisher Feud

Lane Kiffin, Allstate Sugar Bowl - Baylor v Ole Miss
Lane Kiffin, Allstate Sugar Bowl - Baylor v Ole Miss / Jonathan Bachman/GettyImages

Nick Saban and Jimbo Fisher have been engaged in a pretty brutal war of words over the last two days. It's the kind of fight that has shaken college football to its core due to the issues at hand. There's one guy who seems to be enjoying it all though: Ole Miss coach Lane Kiffin.

On Wednesday, Saban came out and essentially accused Fisher and Texas A&M of cheating to land the top recruiting class in the country this year. After that comment, Kiffin posted the following to Twitter:

Since then, Kiffin has been on a tweet-storm and it's been delightful to follow.

Fisher called a press conference for Thursday to address Saban's comments, and Kiffin responded to the news:

Kiffin then responded to Fisher's press conference, during which he took a flamethrower to Saban and his Alabama program.

Kiffin also retweeted the following meme:

And he clearly enjoyed this Joey Mulinaro video:

The Athletic's Bruce Feldman reached out to Kiffin for comment on Fisher's response to Saban and the Ole Miss coach claimed he was speechless.

There are few people on the planet enjoying themselves more than Lane Kiffin right now.