Lena Dunham Thinks Bill Simmons is a "REAL (gentle)man in a world of liars and fools."

Bill Simmons was suspended by ESPN yesterday for comments he made on his most recent podcast about Roger Goodell. Did you know his suspension is longer than Ray Rice’s original suspension? It’s true. Share that with a friend. They will likely be shocked and later attempt to pass that nugget off as their own awe-inspiring observation.
Anyway, if you were playing Internet Mad Libs and had to come up with two nouns that everyone has strong feelings about, you might come up with Bill Simmons and Lena Dunham. Simmons and Dunham are Dunham and Simmons apologists, respectively. Dunham has appeared on The B.S. Report twice to swap stories containing famous names about being game-changing trailblazers so it is no surprise that she is in support of Simmons whom she calls, “the definition of a REAL (gentle)man in a world of liars and fools.”
Bill Simmons is Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
[h/t: @barryap1]
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