Mark Titus Leaving The Ringer, What's Next?

Mark Titus announced his exit from The Ringer on Friday as the founder of "Club Trillion" will be departing after three years at Bill Simmons' platform.
These last 3 years have been the best of my life, and working at @ringer is a big reason why. Thanks to all the great people there (and also @TomShady300). And thanks to all the readers/listeners/followers. Still figuring out what's next, but I'll let you all know when I know.
— Mark Titus (@clubtrillion) October 4, 2019
A former walk-on at Ohio State, Titus became a popular blogger during the 2008-09 season for his site "Club Trillion." That led to an appearance on Simmons' "BS Report" and eventually a book deal about his time in college. Titus worked at Grantland under Simmons before eventually following him to The Ringer.
Titus and Tate Frazier had hosted the popular "One Shining Podcast" on The Ringer since November 2017, but Frazier left the site earlier this year.
Frazier posted a tribute to Titus on Friday:
I met @clubtrillion in the Fall of 2015 & found a kindred connection to college basketball unlike anything I’d experienced. It wasn’t a fluke and I know how lucky I was to see your star rise. A true salt of the earth talent who I’m proud to call my brother for life. #OSPforever
— Tate (@tatefrazier) October 4, 2019
There's no word on where Titus is headed next, but from the outside the Big Ten Network would be a great landing spot. If we were advising them, we'd suggest they capitalize on his availability.