Michigan Football Players Tackle #MannequinChallenge

The Mannequin Challenge, like most things in our culture, was invented by bored teenagers last week. Somebody takes video of people standing still in various poses.
Since then it has been adopted by other bored teenagers around the country and will now capture the time and interest of bored older teenagers in college. To the surprise of no one, the University of Michigan is at the forefront of college football teams taking on the #mannequinchallenge. Jim Harbaugh would have participated, but standing still is the one thing you can’t attack with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind.
" #MannequinChallenge @espn @ESPNCFB @CoachJim4UM #GoBlue pic.twitter.com/lCbP0xgBX6 — Chris Evans (@Kidnplay_abc123) November 4, 2016 "