Remember When 'Mike & Mike' Dominated the Halloween Costume Game?
By Kyle Koster

It's currently 8:37 a.m. ET and the only Halloween costume-related content available is courtesy of the Good Morning Football roundtable. This is tremendously disappointing and stark proof of how far we've fallen. We used to be a proper country with a proper sports radio palatable to everyone driving to work in the morning where both guys had the same name. What I'm saying is that if Mike & Mike were still headlining ESPN Radio mornings, they'd have already delivered maximum costumed entertainment.
Don't believe me? Don't remember the good old days? Stroll with me down Memory Lane. A magical place where pop culture is frozen in amber like that mosquito from Jurassic Park. A place where you can see Mike Golic as Fred Flinstone and Mike Greenberg as Barney Rubble. A place where — and it can't be stressed enough — you can see the two fully committed to doing the Gangnam Style dance that everyone learned 10 years ago.
Impossible not to smile at some point during this montage. Even on a Monday morning when every single kid in the house can't find at least one element of their costume and school starts in a half-hour.