Mike Francesa Is Getting Upset

Mike Francesa turns 66 years old today, and he's had it up to here with the coronavirus mutilating his stock portfolio and presumably also the fact that his kids are holed up in the house all day. He has started to attack the federal government with a vigor usually reserved for an underperforming Giants football coach or GM, and you can just hear him saying all of his tweets out loud as the beginning of a radio show monologue:
It started at 8 a.m. ET:
Again, we have to got to stop dragging our feet. We have to attack this virus immediately on a national level with the full force of the US government. What are we waiting for?
— Mike Francesa (@MikeFrancesa) March 20, 2020
I don’t want to be fatalistic but we are up against the clock. We have five weeks to get people to stay home. Get them tested. Separate the sick from the healthy and get back to work. The economy doesn’t have months.
— Mike Francesa (@MikeFrancesa) March 20, 2020
Okay, here come the all caps:
Unleash the full resources of our incredible government and military. AND DO IT NOW!
— Mike Francesa (@MikeFrancesa) March 20, 2020
Four question marks on the horizon:
Factories should be producing tests around the clock. Testing lines should resemble the gas lines of the 70s. Where is the urgency????
— Mike Francesa (@MikeFrancesa) March 20, 2020
Here's what needs to get done:
We have to separate the sick from the healthy and get back to work. This plan isn’t sustainable.
— Mike Francesa (@MikeFrancesa) March 20, 2020
And what's gone wrong:
Our leaders have completely botched the testing. It is a disaster.
— Mike Francesa (@MikeFrancesa) March 20, 2020
An economic solution is proposed:
Also to improve economy , give people the tax free use of their 401k’s and defined benefit plans for all of 2020. That is a lot of money.
— Mike Francesa (@MikeFrancesa) March 20, 2020
Some praise, but a deadline looms:
Andrew Cuomo has done a remarkable job. He has been a leader. I agree with his short-term mandates. But, he, and every other leader including The President, has to understand. We have 21 more days to control this. Then we must unleash the economy again. Otherwise, disaster.
— Mike Francesa (@MikeFrancesa) March 20, 2020
A press conference does not live up to his expectations:
Pence has to be kidding. If he has put the full force of the government into action. Where is the military? Where is the national guard? And where is FEMA on the ground in this country? Clueless.
— Mike Francesa (@MikeFrancesa) March 20, 2020
Where Are The Accomplishments?
We have now been home for a full week and nothing has changed. This has to be a nationally mandated around-the-clock effort. Stop the ridiculous patting yourselves on the back. Sickening!
— Mike Francesa (@MikeFrancesa) March 20, 2020
One more all caps for the road:
Dr Fauci, who is brilliant, has admitted testing has been a “ colossal failure”. This has to change. NOW!
— Mike Francesa (@MikeFrancesa) March 20, 2020
Still going:
This is a national emergency. This has to be above petty politics. We need our leaders, no matter their party, to lead and treat this with the urgency needed. We are a great country. We need to attack this with everything we have.
— Mike Francesa (@MikeFrancesa) March 20, 2020
We have never been challenged this way. Never. This is an economic and cultural challenge of epic proportions. We have shut this economy down. The clock is running.
— Mike Francesa (@MikeFrancesa) March 20, 2020
Surely, this is to be continued.