Mike Golic Recreated the Kim Kardashian Naked Butt Photo, Enjoy
By Mike Cardillo

A bet is a bet, paying off my wager to @Espngreeny #GolicButtPhoto pic.twitter.com/cY8UUndVlf
— Golic and Wingo (@GolicAndWingo) November 21, 2014
Mike Golic lost a bet to his ESPN Radio co-host Mike Greenberg when Northwestern beat Notre Dame earlier this month. In turn, Golic’s payment was recreating Kim Kardashian’s “Break the Internet” nude photo and right now I can’t believe I’m typing this (sorry, dear reader, truly). Anyways, Golic lived up to his end (no pun intended) of the bargain Friday morning. You can see the photo above. It is exactly what the title of the post says.
Care to feel better about yourself? It’s already, as of 8:35 a.m., been re-tweeted close to 14,000 times.
We await Bill Simmons comment or if this sort of pre-staged viral moment is the shot in the arm the venerable ESPN radio show needs.
What a wonderful time to be alive.
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