NBA All-Star Game Future Locations: Everything We Know About 2025 And Beyond

The 2024 NBA All-Star Game will take place in Indianapolis on February 18 and it should be as entertaining as always. While we know where the league's star-studded All-Star Weekend will be this year, future venues have already been selected. Here's a look at what we known about where the All-Star Game will be over the next few years.
2025 NBA All-Star Game Location
In 2025, San Francisco will get to host the NBA's midseason showcase. The Chase Center, which opened in September of 2019, will have the All-Star Game for the first time. The Golden State Warriors will be in charge of hosting the event.
2026 NBA All-Star Game Location
In 2026, the Los Angeles Clippers will host the event in their yet-to-be-completed new home. The Intuit Dome was awarded the 2026 All-Star Game recently.
After that, locations haven't been set yet, but the Boston Celtics put in a bid to host the All-Star Game at TD Garden in 2026, so a future event is likely. It would be the first All-Star contest in the city since Fenway Park hosted the MLB All-Star Game in 1999. Meanwhile, Boston hasn't hosted an NBA All-Star Game since 1964. Seems like a good time to change that, right?
That's all we know about the future of NBA All-Star Games at the moment. We are likely to hear an announcement about 2027 and beyond soon.