NBA Alleges that Donald Sterling Asked V. Stiviano to Say She Altered the TMZ Tape

The NBA filed allegations on Monday for its June 3rd hearing to attempt to banish Donald Sterling. The LA Times obtained the 30-page document detailing the league’s case. These are some of the highlights:
- Sterling and the Clippers are accused of “destroying evidence”, providing false information, and misleading the public in their initial statement (which claimed to be uncertain of the audio’s legitimacy) pertaining to the TMZ tapes.
- Donald and Shelly Sterling are said not to be “estranged” — a word widely used to describe the couple — and to have been seen together in numerous public appearances before and after the tapes were released.
- V. Stiviano told NBA Investigator David Anders that Sterling asked her to say she doctored the audio recording, and that the voice was not his (and also encouraged her to quickly settle the lawsuit with his wife, whereby he would return the money to her through “back channels”).
An unnamed Sterling associate called the NBA’s allegations a “smear”, and said the Association is “just throwing some mud up against the wall to see what sticks.”
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