Robert Kraft Allegedly Visited Massage Parlor The Day Of The AFC Championship Game

We finally have the details of Robert Kraft’s visits to the Orchids of Asia Day Spa, and they’re as gross as you expected. What wasn’t expected is the fact that Kraft’s second visit to the spa came on January 20, 2019, the same day his New England Patriots traveled to Kansas City to beat the Chiefs in the AFC Championship Game.
Here’s a copy of the probably cause affidavit:
The Robert Kraft probable cause affidavit. It’s graphic.
— T.J. Quinn (@TJQuinnESPN) February 25, 2019
And here’s the relevant section of the text:
"On Sunday, January 20th, 2019, video surveillance was conducted at the target business. At approximately 1059 hrs, Kraft entered the business through the front door where he paid cash at the front desk to an Asian female, previously identified as (REDACTED) which was captured on JPPD Cam 5. (REDACTED) escorted Kraft to a room identified as JPPD Cam 2. There, the two hugged each other and Kraft took off all of clothing, laid face up on the massage table and (REDACTED) hugged him again. At approximately 1102 hrs (REDACTED) began manipulating Kraft’s penis and testicles and then put her head down by his penis. This went on for several minutes. After a few minutes (REDACTED) wiped Kraft in the area of his genitals with a white towel, helped him get dressed and hugged him again. Kraft gave (REDACTED) a $100 bill plus at least one other unidentifiable bill. Kraft left the room at approximately 1113 hrs."
Some updates are below:
After Kraft's 1st visit, an officer surveilling the spa followed the car & pulled it over like a normal traffic stop. The real reason, though, was to identify the John for later action. SOP for this investigation. Affidavit says Kraft presented his Mass license.
— T.J. Quinn (@TJQuinnESPN) February 25, 2019
Sources who have seen the surveillance video say it is unquestionably Kraft and they don't expect him to dispute the charges (although he could plead down). Again, Kraft's attorneys deny he broke any laws.
— T.J. Quinn (@TJQuinnESPN) February 25, 2019
State Attorney Dave @Aronberg was asked if Kraft's wealth and fame would mean different treatment. "I can assure you our office treats everyone the same," he said. They hope to send a message by prosecuting Johns.
— T.J. Quinn (@TJQuinnESPN) February 25, 2019
Spoke with the state attorney prosecuting Kraft's case - says that the state does not need the women involved to testify, they have "proof beyond a reasonable doubt." As for the video, FL has v strong sunshine laws - but something "pornographic" might not make it to the public.
— Michele Steele (@ESPNMichele) February 25, 2019
Kraft was also positively identified visiting the spa on January 19, after which police pulled him over to get a look at his ID.
Also, another random note: He arrived on January 19 after being driven there in a blue Bentley, then was driven to the spa on January 20 in a white Bentley. A billionaire was chauffeured to a massage parlor on back-to-back days in different Bentleys. That is just SO America in 2019.
We’ll keep you updated as more develops in this story.