So, Did O.J. Simpson Do It?
By Kyle Koster

Did OJ do it ? I personally don't think so
— Booger (@ESPNBooger) June 11, 2016
O.J. Simpson: Made in America premieres tonight on ABC. The five-part documentary comes hot on the heels of a hit FX miniseries dramatizing the infamous double murder and subsequent trial.
Two decades later, the debate rages on regarding what really happened.
SEC Network’s Booger McFarland helpfully asked the world to weigh in earlier today via a Twitter poll. He was among the 14 percent that doesn’t believe Simpson killed his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. 86 percent see things differently.
In a 2015 ABC News/Washington Post poll, 76 percent of all adults said Simpson was definitely or probably guilty (whites at 83 percent and blacks at 57 percent). A similar Turner poll in 2014 found 83 percent of all adults believe the charges against Simpson were definitely or probably true (83 percent of whites and 53 percent of blacks).